Useful Resources

Useful Resources for Educators and Parents.

Useful Resources
The National Quality Standard (NQS) sets a national benchmark for early childhood education and care services in Australia. It includes practices and educational programs that support children’s learning. These are developed to achieve positive outcomes for the children.

The National Quality Standards are Divided into Seven Quality Areas:

    • Educational program and practice
    • Children’s health and safety
    • Physical environment
    • Staffing arrangements
    • Relationships with children
    • Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
    • Governance and Leadership

Based on these quality areas, all early childhood education and care services are assessed and rated.

More information on NQS

The Council of Australian Governments has designed My Time, Our Place – Framework for School Age Care where educators in school age care, settings collaborate with children to provide play and learning experiences which are effective and support their wellbeing, development. This framework guides educators to provide children with learning opportunities to increase their abilities and develop an effective base for their future.

More information about My Time, Our Place
By avoiding infections in early childhood education and care services supports staff members and children in the education and care services with easy guidelines to reduce the spread of infectious diseases. It is recommended to refer Staying Healthy Book in early childhood education and care services to prevent infectious diseases.
As prevention is better than cure, it is good to be sun savvy. So ensure to apply sun screen at least 20 mins before sun exposure and keep repeating after 3-4 hours according to description of sunscreen. Wear protective clothing with hat as well to protect yourself from sun rays.
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